Customize Your Chat Box Style With CSS

One of the most beautiful things in an HTML5 chat box is the ability to fully customize your own chat room. If you are a chat room administrator, you may choose a chat box theme from a variety of themes in your admin panel.

As an administrator, you have a full access to customize your chat box using simple admin panel actions. These options enable you to change the following:

  • Background color
  • Background image
  • Text color, size, and font

You can access the customize menu at the bottom of your dashboard. In there you will find settings. Click on it and you will have the customization page appear before you.

Admin panel chat box configuration

Now, let us try to customize our chat room box.
If you look at the customization page, you will find 7 customization designs for your chat box. The customization settings consist of 6 basic customizations and 2 advanced customizations using CSS.

Basic chat box customization

There are 6 basic components which you can customize accordingly. They are:

  • General & Background – provide general settings: layout, background, and text.
  • User List – enables you to customize the size of your user list, background, text, border and color with padding and margin.
  • Chat Area – for customizing text, border, and color with padding and margin in the chat box area
  • Message – border, background, padding, and margin.
  • Dialog Boxes – this is a setting to customize the popup message, enables you to customize background, border, along with padding and margin
  • TextBox – setting for the bottom text box, height, background, text, border, padding, margin

Please check the following guide for further explanation:
Changing background in your chat box

Advanced customization with CSS

Advanced CSS customization provides more control to customize your chat box. In the CSS customization, you will be required to have a knowledge of CSS.

There are two CSS customizations you can use for the chat room: CSS, for standard web chat (PC, laptop browsers) and mobile CSS for your chat box through mobile.

To change color appearance, you can use either a color-hex code or a RGBA (Red-Green-Blue-Alpha) value. For instance: a maroon color would use one of the following codes:
Color-hex #5a1414
RGBA (90, 20, 20, 100)

The following lists are the most common customization CSS parameters and their variable for changing appearance:

1- Changing icon and color of users

Function: Changing default image of guest users
.guest-default-image {
background: url(http://your_image_here);

Function: Changing size of user icon in user list
.user-image {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;

Function: Changing size of user icon in chat list
.message-user-image {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;

Function: Hiding user icon in user list
.user-image {
display: none;

Function: Hiding user icon in chat area
.message-user-image {
display: none;

.admin .message-user-name
Function: Changing admin color in the chat
.admin .message-user-name {
color: your_color;

.admin .user-name
Function: Changing admin color in the user list
.admin .user-name {
color: your_color;

2- Changing text in chat box area

Function: Changing user name appearance in chat area
.message-user-name {
font-weight: bold;
color:rgba(90, 20, 20, 100);
text-shadow: -1px 0 black, 0 1px black,
1px 0 black, 0 -1px black;
The above will change your user name into bold maroon color.

Function: Changing message text color in chat area
.message-text {
The above code will change your message text into blue text.

After customizing your chat room you can save the setting and see the result in your embedded chat box:
Chat box css for web chat

3- Some useful mobile CSS parameters

The following CSS parameters can be used for mobile chat when you access your chat box through your mobile devices such as smartphone or tablet.

Combination of .user-image and .message-user-image
Function: Changing default image of guest users
.message-user-image {
width: 0 !important;
padding-right: 32px;
background-image: url(“url_to_your_image_here”);
background-repeat: no-repeat;

Combination of .admin .user-image and .admin .message-user-image
Function: Changing default image of admin user
.admin .user-image,
.admin .message-user-image {
background-image: url(“url_to_your_image_here”);

.top-bar and .bottom
Function: color of top and bottom bar
.top-bar {
background-color: #5e2e2c!important;
.bottom {
background-color: #5e2e2c!important;

The above will change your top and bottom bar into a brown color. Find the result in your smartphone or tablet
chat box css for mobile chat

Its very simple to customize your chat room….
Now, you can play around and change your chat box appears to be as fancy as you want. This functionality will give you a totally different chat box to serve your purpose.

Case Study: DittyTV using chat box features worth knowing

I know, this is a case study, but first let’s talk about good design. Just before we start, let’s clear up the fact that this is a design post about the ability to design your own chat box style. This means that one may use the various chat box features to integrate and design his own chat theme.

Deign chat box features

Here is an example of how simple to create a great design using the powerful tool that let you DIY. In general, there are 4 ways to design your own chat style.

  1. Chat Skins – choose from our pre-made chat room designs
  2. Chat advanced design – easy to create your own style via quick visual settings.
  3. Easy CSS  – this is for advanced designers. If you know CSS you can create your own custom chat room.
  4. Floating icon – if you choose to use a floating chat (in oppose to in-page embedded chat) you can also design your own icon style.

From time to time we see a great chat design made by capable people.
One that worth mentioning is the chat box designed in the dittytv  (American music television) website (see above). They use advanced CSS design in addition to designing their own floating icon. They choose to have a transparent background so the chat looks as part of the actual website design.

If you like the design, you can give them a like.

How to Assign Custom Images as Backgrounds for Your chat box?

Many customers have been asking how to change the chat box background image.
This is a quick instruction on how to do it.

The options of designing your own chat box are endless (fonts, borders, thickness, background, colors). However, It is easier to start with simple approach: choose your own chat box template from the current theme library. Than change the background image to give your chat box a luxurious look.

In order to change your background image you need
1 – Login to your admin panel with your own user/pass.
2 – Go to your chat box settings to the Advance design area.
3 – Insert the External Background URL of your image and click Save. You will then see that specific area of the image displayed in the preview chat.
4 – Save once you are happy with the image and with the positioning of it.


1 – You can control any aspect and setting of your chat box. Which mean that you can change the background image or change part of the chat box background .
In order of doing so, please go to the desired tab in the advance design screen.
2 – You can control the position of the image by adding values (numbers) into the “position” fields.
3 – You can change the image while chatting to give a new “atmosphere” to the conversation.

It is simple to give your chat box a custom look. It only takes 1 minute to do so and that without any html, CSS knowledge.