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WordPress Message: “This chat room is for private users only”

The message “This chat room is for private users only” will show when the Members checkbox is checked in the Rumbletalk chat plugin and the chat was opened before the user logged in to the WordPress website.

However, if you are still logged in to the website and seeing this error message, it seems that the chat login option settings were altered after turning on the Members mode.

If you wish to integrate the specific room into your WordPress, uncheck Members and save. Refresh your page, and then check again Members and click save.

members chat

When you check Members mode on, it will automatically fix the settings in the login options. If you change these settings, issues will occur.

Once you have the Members mode refreshed, it should work again properly.

If you still have the same issue after resetting the Members mode, please send us the URL where the chat is placed so we can check the settings.
