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What is a moderated chat?

Moderated chat is a type of group chat. In a moderated chat, users can send messages that will then need to be approved by a chat admin before sending to all.

RumbleTalk makes it easy to approve and delete messages.

Moderated chat is useful for Q&A sessions or live events.

There are two views on a moderated chat.

  • Admin – The admin will see all incoming messages, and he/she would have to approve them before they get sent out. See the image above for the example of admin’s view.
  • User – The user won’t be able to see other users messages unless they have been approved by the admin. Also, a user won’t have the ability to approve/delete messages. Therefore, he/she will see it as a normal message on the chat. If a message gets approved/deleted, a user won’t be notified. It’s either he/she sees it on the chat or not.
screen messages

Here’s a video to know more about the moderated chat.
