Yesterday Is History… Chat History and Logs


How much of a chat is archived can vary greatly from one chat to the next. While customer service chats will often keep the entire conversation on file—and sometimes even offer to send a copy of the chat history to an email address—this is not always the case.

Many online chats, for example on fan sites, do not keep logs at all. Instead, they are set up to automatically delete messages. This usually happens either after a certain amount of time has elapsed, or a certain amount of messages have been posted. Depending on the setup of the chat, the conditions vary greatly.

For example:

  • Anonymous chats that keep nothing but a few messages
  • Chats that save on a day-by-day basis.
  • Chats that allow you to save the transcript and go over it when you are offline.

The thing they all have in common, however, is that it’s rarely up to the user to decide. They may get a choice on whether or not to have a transcript or a few similar options, but full customization is another story altogether.

Chat History Customizations and More

RumbleTalk offers the full suite. Whether you want to keep every message sent or even per session for limited periods of time, anything is possible.

RumbleTalk chat supports exporting the chat history at any given point. This could be after each session, in the middle of one, or even days later. It is also possible to keep no chat history at all. If you choose this option, all messages will disappear when the chat is closed and are not saved at all. Similarly, if you want to keep a limited history, go right ahead.

chat history export transcript

It is also possible to use one chat room for multiple conversations. You can manually clear the cache (clear archive) of it to make it “as good as new” each time. And you can seamlessly combine this with keeping backups and saving the previous conversations whenever you want. Sometimes it can be more convenient to have several rooms to be able to have more conversations at once, but even then the history settings are individual.

While it is possible to administer several chats in the background, they can absolutely have different settings, depending entirely on your needs. Something like a client chat can have complete records kept, while an internal team chat may not need nearly as much in the way of permanent history.

When you want to export your backups and save files is also up to you. How long they are available depends on the type of keeping history choosing, but the files are downloadable anywhere and anytime.

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