New Feature: Send Video Messages

This just in: you can now send your own video messages with RumbleTalk!
This is an addition to RumbleTalk existing audio messages.

There are two ways you can use the feature:

  1. Record up to thirty seconds video messages and sent it to the public room so the whole group can see it.
  2. Record up to thirty seconds of video messages solely for private chats.

Whether a public group chat or a private discussion with a moderator or between chatters, you can record a video messages and send it to the chat with the click of a button.

How Video Messages Recording Works

With this special feature you can record all sorts of things, from a custom greeting for everyone who enters the room to see, to a farewell message; or a short explanation of math problem in a chat for students, to a visual illustration of a graph for a group of day traders.

However you choose to make the most of it, we hope you enjoy using extended video messages recordings. And stay tuned to this space for more new features coming soon!