Live Event Chat and Streaming


Companies today rely more and more on the Internet for their communication. And at the same time, the channels for communicating online are constantly changing. Live event chat and live event stream are the newest additions to the mix. This means that an event, regardless of its size, can be streamed online, and therefore reach a much bigger audience.

Now companies can share their content and events with the entire world, rather than just physical attendees. In the past, the number of attendees would be limited by a variety of things, such as venue size, attendee availability, and timing. Plus, the sheer effort of organizing a meeting or event at a time or date that “works for everybody” is a challenge in and of itself. The bigger the event, the bigger the issues with finding a good time for everyone—it’s all but impossible.

But when companies use live event chat or streams, they can all but eliminate those drawbacks. For example, now you can hold a seminar, or webinar in any one place and stream it to the entire world. This crosses all boundaries, be it continents, time zones, and more.

Live Event Chat Boosts Revenue

As an added perk, this type of service allows companies to increase their revenue, potentially significantly. In a “normal” event, you charge attendees for their seats. Now, it’s also possible to charge for virtual “seats” at virtual events. Usually, companies will charge less for that than the physical seats, however, it’s entirely up to you.

event chat example

All you need to do is to find a reliable and well-functioning service provider to host the live event chat with. One such provider is RumbleTalk. RumbleTalk has an easy-to-use, straightforward service that allows companies to not only set up video streams with invited attendees, but also, a chat room alongside the streams in order to encourage participation and interaction with the hosts.

But that’s not all. Above and beyond these communication services, RumbleTalk provides powerful moderation tools for users. Most importantly, it allows chat hosts to ban trolls and control spammers very effectively. And if people try to interrupt or disturb the flow of things, not a problem—RumbleTalk allows the hosts to deal with troublemakers very effectively.

The Setup

The platform is set up in such a way that it shows the streamed content and a short description or text on one side, and the chat window on the other. There’s also a small statistics bar that always shows how many people are talking or viewing the content at any given time. All users have a profile, allowing them to set a username and a profile picture. This is very useful to the hosting company as well, as it makes it easier to keep an eye on attendance.

In a standard event, often people will talk at the same time, questions may get lost or overlooked, and confusion can ensue. But in RumbleTalk, since the interface uses a chat log, this means that during a live event stream participants can ask questions without any disruption. Then questions can be answered or brought up for discussion at a convenient time later without being lost.

This easy and straightforward chat system means that all the hosts need to do is focus on presenting. In addition to a back and forth question system, the chat also allows viewers to talk to each other. For example, participants can discuss the content they’re viewing without interrupting or bothering other viewers. If the chat window becomes distracting, the video can be “full-screened,” and distractions completely eliminated.

Access It Anywhere and Everywhere

Have you ever wanted to go to a seminar but scheduling conflicts prevented you from attending? Or perhaps you’ve just been unable to make the several hours necessary for it? Well, with streamed events you no longer have to worry. Not only will there usually be an option to see the streamed content after the fact, but it also allows you to watch it on the go! With a pair of headphones and your tablet or phone, simply tune in while traveling. You can also watch it on the train or bus, making the most of your time and learn from the streamed content.

event presentor plus chat

For companies, this means that their content after the fact. Viewers can revisit and re-watch whenever they want. Moreover, companies can easily reuse a well-done webinar and show it for months after the fact. Save the repeated expenses of holding the same event more than once!

This is particularly popular with training videos, induction seminars, and similar events. Anything you can think of can be streamed, talked about in a live chat, and revisited later.

Live event chats, live event streams, and events hosted on the web are the future. Don’t miss out on this innovation and use it for your business too!